Friday, July 08, 2016

8 July 16

Partly cloudy skies, warm and humid, west winds.

Water is choppy, clean but grassy in surf, waves 2 - 3.

Yesterday:  Tarpon, Hard tails, Lady fish, Kings, Spanish and Blues.

Today:  Blues, Hard tails, Tarpon and Spanigh.


Randy said...

What's a good rig for tarpon fishing at the pier and what time?

formerlocal said...

Berkely Swim Chad baits. 5" or 6". Perl Red Eye or most any color, or live or dead LYs. 20lb to 30lb line. 300 yards or so on your spool. Smooth drag. These are big fish that can trash gear not capable. Most anytime of day or night can work, but morning and mid day are good bets lately.

Randy said...

Sir thank you for the info! Appreciate it

Randy said...
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